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   日期:2012-09-08     浏览:17    
商务指南 > 商务资源 > 商务文本 > 商务信函栏目20 May 2000Kee & Co., Ltd34 Regent StreetLondon, UKDear Sirs:  In the past, our purchases of steel pipes from you have normally been paid by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit.  This arrangement has cost us a great deal of money. From the moment we open the credit until our buyers pay us normally ties up funds for about four months. This is currently a particularly serious problem for us in view of the difficult economic climate and the prevailing high interest rates.  If you could offer us easier payment terms, it would probably lead to an increase in business between our companies. We propose either cash against documents on arrival of goods, or drawing on us at three months sight.  We hope our request will meet with your agreement and look forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,Tony SmithChief Buyer  译文:敬启者:  本公司与贵公司订购钢管,向以保兑不可撤销的信用证付款。  由开立信用证至收到客户付款,所需时间约为四个月。在现今经济气候不佳和利率高企的环境下,这种付款方法占去大量资金。  如蒙贵公司惠允较宽松的付款方法,则可扩展双方业务。建议日后采用货到后凭单据支付现金的方法或由本公司开立见票第三个月付款的汇票交易。  专候佳音。采购部主任托尼·斯密思谨上2000年5月20日答复20 May 2000Kee & Co., Ltd34 Regent StreetLondon, UKDear Sirs:  Thank you for your letter of 20 May asking for a change in payment terms. There is nothing unusual in our current arrangement. From the time you open credit until the shipment reaches your port is normally about three months. In addition, your L/C is only opened when the goods are ready for shipment.  I regret to say that we must adhere to our usual practice and sincerely hope that this will not affect our future business relations. We will contact you as soon as supplies of the steel pipes yo



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