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   日期:2012-09-03     浏览:6    

助剂类softening and antistatic agents 柔软及抗静电剂 water and oil-repellent agents 防水防油整理剂 insect-resist agents 防虫剂 thickeners 增稠剂 crosslinking agents 交联剂 emulsifiers 乳化剂

染料类direct dyestuffs 直接染料 reactive dyeings 活性染料 disperse dyestuffs 分散染料

设备类quickwash shrinkage tester 快速洗水缩水试验机 washing fastness tester 水洗牢度机 martindate aorasion tester 耐磨损测试机

standard light both 标准光源箱 universal strength tester 万能强力测试机 light fastness tester 日晒牢度仪

non-standard equipments 非标设备 ironing machine 烫平机 series three-legged centrifuger 三足式系列离心机

displacement heat exchanger 容积式换热器 reactor 反应锅 hank drier 绞纱烘燥机

bulk-fibre drier 散毛烘燥机 liquid-flow hank dyeing machine 液流式绞纱染色机 normal temperature oscillating dyeing machine 常温振荡试样机

sparging(jet) dyeing machine 喷射式染色机 high-temperature /high-pressure dyeing machine 高温高压染色机 program-controlled dyeing machine 程控染色机

high temperature overflow dyeing machine 高温溢流染色机 high temperature and high pressure yarn dyeing machine 高温高压染纱机 atmospheric overflow dyeing machine 常温溢流染色机

high temperature sample dyeing machine 高温样品染色机 stainless steal drying tumbler 不锈钢烘筒烘燥机 rope impregnating mangle 绳状浸染机

整理类 resin finishing 树脂 starch finishing 上浆

现象类 slightly reddish cast 轻泛红现象 electrolyte 电解


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