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   日期:2012-09-03     浏览:9    
微笑 - smile

【释义】The corners of your mouth move outwards and slightly upwards。嘴角向外运动并轻微向上扬起。

【例句】Her smile makes her even more beautiful。她的微笑使她更美丽了。

大笑 - laugh

【释义】To make a noise to show one's amusement and happiness. You can laugh at a joke or at an amusing sight. You can laugh at someone without being amused. 发出声音以表现出愉快的情绪。听到笑话或看到有趣的场景人会大笑。即使没有逗趣的事情人也能大笑。

【例句】Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone。你笑,世界也会跟着你一起笑。你哭,却只能独自一人。

露齿而笑 - grin报关员考试

【释义】 To smile with the teeth. 露出牙齿地微笑。

【例句】People who confess to feeling happy also grin more than others。承认感觉幸福的人们也会比别人更喜欢咧着嘴笑。

轻声地笑 - chuckle

【释义】To laugh quietly. 不发出声音地静静地笑着。

【例句】She was roused by a chuckle which Mr. Dorset seemed to eject from the depths of his lean throat。多森先生从他那瘦弱的喉咙深处迸出一阵笑声,把她吓了一跳。

咯咯笑 - giggle

【释义】To laugh repeatedly foolishly and uncontrollably, esp. by girls. 无法控制地不断傻笑,通常用来形容女孩。

【例句】There was silence for a moment, then a giggle. 沉默了片刻之后,有人在吃吃地笑。

坏笑 - snicker

【释义】 To laugh in a disrespectful more or less secret way. 偷偷地略带鄙夷地笑。

【例句】The shuffle and snicker become the comedian's trademark。搅和与窃笑成为那个戏剧演员的标志。

假笑 痴笑 - simper

【释义】To smile in a silly unnatural way. 不自然地傻笑。

【例句】I'll tell you, Scarlett O'Hara, if you'll take that Southern belle simper off your face。我会告诉你的,斯佳丽·奥哈拉,只要你脸上别带着那种南方美人儿的傻笑。

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