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   日期:2012-09-03     浏览:17    
与客户交流常用到的方式就是邮件上的往来。那么如何在邮件中表达自己的感激与合作意愿呢?希望你可以从这里的几句 外贸 邮件英文中有所收获。


1. We are obliged to thank you for your kind afftention in this matter.

2.We tender you our sincere thanks for your generous treatment of us in this affair.

3.Allow us to thank you for the kindness extended to us.

4.We thank you for the special care you have given to the matter.

5.We should be grateful for your furnishing us details of your requirements.

6.We are greatly obliged for your bulk order just received.

表示虔诚的合作 意愿

1.We assure you of our best services at all times.

2.If there is anything we can do to help you, we shall be more than pleased to do so.

3.It would give us a great pleasure to render you a similar service should an opportunity occur.

4.We spare no efforts in endeavoring to be of service to you.

5.We shall be very glad to handle for you at very low commission charges.

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