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   日期:2012-09-03     浏览:10    

纺织品保温性能试验方法 Textiles--Testing method for warmth retention property
铺地纺织品燃烧性能在室温下片剂试验 Textile floor coverings - Burning behaviour - Tablet test at ambient temperature
子午线轮胎用钢丝帘线 Steel cord for radial tyre
粗直径钢丝绳 Large diameter steel wire ropes
纺织品色牢度试验 聚酰胺标准贴衬织物规格 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness--Specification for standard adjacent fabric: Polyamide
纺织品色牢度试验多纤维标准贴衬织物规格 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness--Specification for standard adjacent fabric:Maltifibre
羊毛纤维平均直径测定法 气流法 Determination for mean diameter of wool fibres by airflow method
簇绒地毯 Tufting carpet
牛皮 Cattle skin
铺地材料临界辐射通量的测定 辐射热源法 Floor coverings?Determination of critical radiant flux using a radiant heat energy source
三股聚酰胺复丝绳索 Three-strand polyamide multifilament ropes
三股聚酯复丝绳索 Three-strand polyester multifilament ropes
三股聚乙烯单丝绳索 Three-strand polyethylene monofilament ropes
绳索和绳索制品 系船用的天然纤维绳索与化学纤维绳索之间的等效性 Ropes and cordage - Equivalence between natural fibre ropes and man-made fibre ropes for use in the mooring of vessels
纺织品 天然纤维 术语 Textiles - Natural fibres - Generic names and definitions
纺织品 变形长丝纱 术语 Textiles - Textured filament yarns - Vocabulary
黄、洋(红)麻纤维试验取样方法 Sampling method of the jute and kenaf fibres
黄、洋(红)麻束纤维断裂强力试验方法 Test method for breaking strength of jute and kenaf fibres
黄、洋(红)麻纤维线密度试验方法 中段称重法 Test method for linear density of jute and kenaf fibres - Cut middles method
黄、洋(红)麻纤维柔软度试验方法 捻度计试验法 Test method for softness of jute and kenaf fibres - Twist tester method
黄、洋(红)麻纤维回潮率试验方法 烘箱法 Test method for moisture regain in jute and kenaf fibres by oven drying
黄、洋(红)麻纤维含杂率试验方法 Test method for percentage of trash content in jute and kenaf fibres
牦牛原绒 Raw hair and underfleece of yak
牦牛原绒含绒率试验方法 Test method for percentage of fine underfleece content in raw hair and underfleece of yak
纺织品耐家庭和商业洗涤色牢度试验方法 Textiles - Testing method for colour fastness to domestic and commercial laundering
羊毛水解物中磺基丙氨酸含量的测定 纸电泳法和比色法 Determination of systeic acid content of wool hydrolysates by paper electrophoresis and colorimetry
羊毛水解物中胱氨酸含量的测定 比色法 Determination of cystine content of wool hydrolysates by colorimetry
橡胶或塑料涂覆织物 低温冲击试验 Rubber or plastics coated fabrics--Low-temperature impact test
硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶橡胶片材和橡胶涂覆织物 挥发性液体透过速率的测定(质量法) Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic-Rubber sheet and rubber-coated fabric-Determination rate of volatile liquids(gravimetic technique)
纺织品静电测试方法 Electrostatic test methods for textile
织物透湿量测定方法 透湿杯法 Fabrics - Determination of water vapour transmission rate - Dish method
织物防钻绒性试验方法 Textile fabrics - Testing method for penetration resistance to feather and down
输送带用钢丝绳 Steel wire ropes for conveyer belts
胶管用钢丝绳 Steel wire ropes for rubber hose
熟黄麻 Jute
熟红麻 Kenaf
纺织品机织物组织代码及示例 Textiles--Weaves--Coding system and examples
粘胶长丝 Viscose filament yarn
土工布术语 Geotextiles--Vocabulary
土工布的取样和试样准备 Geotextiles--Sampling and preparation of test specimens
土工布厚度测定方法 Geotextiles--Determination of thickness
土工布单位面积质量的测定方法 Geotextiles--Determination of mass per unit area
土工布梯形法撕破强力试验方法 Standard test method for trapezoid tearing strength of geotextiles
土工布透气性的试验方法 Geotextiles--Test method for air permeability
纺织品 色牢度试验 亚麻和苎麻标准贴衬织物规格 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Specification for standard adjacent fabric of linen and ramie
纺织品 耐氧化氮和烟熏色牢度试验用控制标样和褪色标准 Textiles--Test control reference and fading standard for tests of colour-fastness to nitrogen oxides and burt gas fumes
纺织品 耐热性能的测定方法 Textiles--Method for the determination of the ability of textiles to heat resistance
纺织品 耐久压烫织物经家庭洗涤和干燥后外观的评定方法 Textiles-Method for assessing the appearance of durable press fabrics after domestic washing and drying
纺织品 耐久压烫产品经家庭洗涤和干燥后褶裥外观的评定方法 Textiles--Method for assessing the appearance of creases in durable press products after domestic washing and drying
纺织品 耐久压烫产品经家庭洗涤和干燥后接缝外观的评定方法 Textiles--Method for assessing the appearance of seams in durable press products after domestic washing and drying
机织物中纱线抗滑移性测定方法 缝合法 The method for determination of slippage resistance of yarns in woven fabrics--Seam method
机织物中纱线抗滑移性测定方法 模拟缝合法 The method for determination of slippage resistance of yarns in woven fabrics--Simulated seam method
机织物中纱线抗滑移性测定方法 摩擦法 The method for determination of slippage resistance of yarns in woven fabrics--Friction method
机织物及制品 接缝强力和接缝效率试验方法 Woven fabric and its products--Testing method for seam strength and seam efficiency
棉、麻、绢丝机织物耐磨试验方法 Testng method for determination of the resistance to abrasion of cotton, ramie and silk spinning fabrics
用校准棉样校准棉纤维试验结果 Standardizing cotton fibre test results by use of calibration cottons
棉纤维成熟度试验方法 显微镜法 Test method for maturity of cotton fibres--Microscopic method
棉纤维成熟度测定方法 气流法 Cotton fibres--Determination of maturity--Air flow method
棉纤维长度试验方法 梳片法 Test method for length of cotton fibres--Comb sorter method
棉纤维长度试验方法 自动光电长度仪法 Test method for cotton length--Auto-photoelectric stapler
棉纤维长度(跨距长度)和长度整齐度的测定 Textiles--Cotton fibres--Determination of length(span length) and length uniformity
纺织纤维长度分布参数试验方法 电容法 Test method for textile fibre length distribution parameters--Electric condenser method
棉纤维断裂比强度的测定 平束法 Cotton fibres--Determination of breaking tenacity of flat bundles
棉花颜色试验方法 测色仪法 Test method for colour of Cotton colorimeter method
棉纤维含糖程度试验方法 比色法 Test method for degree of sugar contains in cotton fibres-Colorimetry
棉花分级室的模拟昼光照明 Artificial daylighting illumination for cotton classing rooms
纺织纤维鉴别试验方法 着色剂法 Test method for textile fibres identification--Stain method
山羊原绒 Cashmere hair
骆驼原绒 Raw camel hair and underfleece
长毛兔兔毛 Angora rabbir hair
纤维用亚麻原茎 Raw stems for fibre flax
纤维用亚麻雨露干茎 Dew retting stem of fibre flax
兔毛纤维试验取样方法 Sampling method of Angora rabbit hair for testing
兔毛纤维长度试验方法 Test method for measure length of Angora rabbit hair
兔毛含杂率试验方法 Test method for the percentage of impurities in Angora rabbit hair
兔毛回潮率试验方法 烘箱法 Test method for moisture regain of Angora rabbit hair--Drying oven method
兔毛单纤维断裂强度和伸长试验方法 Test method for breaking strength and elongation of Angora rabbit hair single fibre
兔毛纤维细度试验方法 Test method for diameter of Angora ribbit hair
兔毛纤维白度试验方法 Test method for whiteness of Angora rabbit hair
兔毛乙醚萃取物试验方法 Test method for extractable matter by ether from Angora rabbit hair
兔毛纤维卷曲性能试验方法 Test method for crimp properties of Angora rabbit hair
桑蚕经纬捻线丝 Thrown silk for warp and weft
夹层结构或芯子吸水性试验方法 Test method for water absorption of sandwich constructions or cores
纺织玻璃纤维 无捻粗纱 棒状复合材料弯曲强度的测定 Textile glass--Rovings--Determination of flexural strength of rod composites
机织地毯 Wov en carpets
染色毛皮耐摩擦色牢度测试方法 Dyeing fur--Testing method for colour fastness to rubbing
羊毛试验取样方法 The sampling methods for wool testing
羊毛纤维类型含量试验方法 Test method for determination of wool fibre type content
原毛净毛率试验方法 油压法 Test method for wool content of raw wool by oil pressure method
棉本色灯芯绒 Cotton grey corduroy
棉印染灯芯绒 Dyed or printed cotton corduroy
合成短纤维取样方法 Sampling method of synthetic staple fibres
合成短纤维线密度试验方法 Testing method for linear density of synthetic staple fibres
合成短纤维长度试验方法 Testing method for length of synthetic staple fibres
合成短纤维断裂强力及断裂伸长试验方法 Testing method for breaking strength and breaking elongation of synthetic staple fibres
合成短纤维卷曲性能试验方法 Testing method for crimping performance of synthetic staple fibres
合成短纤维疵点试验方法 Testing method for defect of synthetic staple fibres
合成短纤维含油率试验方法 Testing method for oil content of synthetic staple fibres
合成短纤维回潮率试验方法 Testing method for moisture regain of synthetic staple fibres by oven
合成短纤维比电阻试验方法 Testing method for specific resistance of synthetic staple fibres
合成纤维长丝及变形丝线密度试验方法 Testing method for linear density of synthetic filament yarns and textured yarns
合成纤维长丝及变形丝断裂强力及断裂伸长试验方法 Testing method for breaking strength and breaking elongation of synthetic filament yarns and textured yarns
合成纤维长丝捻度试验方法 Testing method for twist of synthetic filament yarns
化学纤维长丝电子条干不匀率试验方法 Testing method for yarn irregularity of man-made filament yarns by means of electronic evenness tester
涤纶低弹丝 Polyester drawn textured yarn
维纶短纤维 Vinylon cut fibre
粘胶短纤维 Viscose staple fiber
涤纶短纤维 Polyester staple
纺织品综合色牢度试验方法 Textiles--Testing method of comprehensive colour fastness
纺织品耐光、汗复合色牢度试验方法 Textiles--Testing method for complex colour fastness to light-perspiration
织物拒水性测定 邦迪斯门淋雨法 Textiles--Determination of water repellency of fabrics by the Bundesmann rain-shower test
柞蚕水缫丝 Tussah silk water reeled
山羊绒、绵羊毛及其混合纤维定量分析方法 Quantitative analysis method of cashmere,wool and their mixture fibers
猪原鬃 Unfailed bristles
裘皮 小湖羊皮 Fur--Cheki and lamb skin
裘皮 三北羔皮 Fur--Persin lamb skin
裘皮 滩二毛皮、滩羔皮 Fur--Sheep kivskin,sheep lambskin
裘皮 猾子皮 Fur--Raw goatling skin
纺织织物 燃烧性能 45°方向燃烧速率测定 Textile fabrics--Burning behaviour--The 45°test determination of flame spread rate
纺织织物 燃烧性能 45°方向损毁面积和接焰次数测定 Textile fabrics--Burning behaviour--The 45°test determination of damaged area and ignition times
地毯在长时间、重静负载后厚度减少的试验方法 Textile floor coverings determination of thickness loss after prolonged,heavy static loading
地毯燃烧性能 45°试验方法及评定 Carpets burning behaviour--Test method at 45°and assessment
裘皮 黄鼬皮 Fur--Yellow weasel skins
裘皮 貉皮 Fur--Raccoon dog skins
裘皮 水貂皮 Fur--Raw mink skin
土工布 鉴别标志 Geotextiles--Identification on site
土工布孔径测定方法 干筛法 Geotextiles--Determining apparent opening size of a geotextile by dry si eving
土工布顶破强力试验方法 Test method for determining the puncture resistance of geotextiles
机织物与针织物纬斜和弓纬试验方法 Test method for skewness and bow in woven and knitted fabrics
机织品 烟浓度测定 减光系数法 Textiles--Determination of smoke density--Light extinction method
剑麻 白棕绳 White sisal rope
剑麻钢丝绳芯 Steel wire ropes--Sisal main cores
剑麻纤维 Sisal fibre
制绳机械设备通用技术条件 General requirements for rope laying machinery
手工打结羊毛地毯 Hand-knotted woollen carpet
针刺地毯 Needle-punched carpet
纺织机械用图形符号 Graphical symbols for textile machinery
桑蚕鲜茧 Mulberry silkworm fresh cocoons
土工布 拉伸试验方法 宽条样法 Geotextiles--Wide width tensile test
土工布透水性测定方法 Geotextile--Determination of water flow
手工打结地毯绒簇经密、纬密的试验方法 Hand-knotted carpets--Determination of number of tufts per unit length
马海毛 Mohair
洗净马海毛 Scoured mohair
洗净马海毛含草、杂率试验方法 Test method for the percentage of burry and impurities in scouredscoured mohair
洗净马海毛纤维长度试验方法 手排法 Test mothod for length of scoured mohair--Array diagram method
纺织纤维 线密度试验方法 振动仪法 Textile fibres--Determination of linear density--Vibroscope method
纺织纤维 短纤维长度和长度分布的测定 单纤维测量法 Textile fibres--Determination of length and length distribution of staple fibres--Measurement of single fibres
棉纤维含糖试验方法 定量法 Test method for sugar in cotton fibers--Quantitative method
腈纶短纤维 Polyarcryl staple
锦纶牵伸丝 Nylon drawn yarn
涤纶工业长丝 Polyester filament for industry
再生纤维素丝织物 Regenerated rayon filament fabrics
双面涂覆聚氯乙烯阻燃防水布、篷布 Flame-resistant and water-proof fabrics and terpaulines coated with PVC on both sides
家具用皮革 Upholstery leather
大麻原麻 Raw hemp
棉纤维长度试验方法 中段称重法 Test methods for length of cotton fibres--Middle weighting method
特种动物纤维与绵羊毛混合物含量的测定 Quantitative determination for mixtures of special animal fibre and wool
土工布 接头/接缝宽条拉伸试验方法 Geotextiles--Tensile test for joints/seams by wide-width method
纺织品 色牢度试验 颜色1/1标准深度的仪器测定 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Instrumental determination of 1/1 standard depth of colour
纺织品 色牢度试验 高温耐光色牢度: 氙弧 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--colour fastness to artificial light at high temperatures:Xenon arc
纺织品 织物在低压下的干热效应 第1部分: 织物的干热处理程序 Textiles--Effect of dry heat on fabrics under low pressure--Part 1: Procedure for dry-heat treatment of fabrics
纺织品 织物在低压下的干热效应 第2部分: 受干热的织物尺寸变化的测定 Textiles--Effect of dry heat on fabrics under low pressure--Part 2: Determination of dimensional change in fabrics exposed to dry heat
纺织品 织物紫外线透过率的试验方法 Textiles--Testing method for transmission of ultraviolet ray
纺织品 棉纱线 贸易规格 Textiles--Cotton yarns--Specifications for trade
合成纤维丝织物 Synthetic filament yarn fabrics
亚麻纤维细度的测定 气流法 Determination of fineness of flax fiber permeametric method
亚麻打成麻 Scutched flax
土工布及其有关产品 有效孔径的测定 湿筛法 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products--Determination of the characteristic opening size-wet sieving method
国旗用织物 Fabric for National Flag
阻燃机织物 Woven flame retardant fabrics
纺织品 禁用偶氮染料检测方法 气相色谱/质谱法 Textiles--Test method of the use of banned azo colourants Gas chromatography/mass spectrography method
纺织品 禁用偶氮染料检测方法 高效液相色谱法 Test method of the use of banned azo colourants High pressure liquid chromatography method
纺织品 禁用偶氮染料的检测方法 薄层层析法 Textiles--Test method of the use of banned azo colourants Thin--Layer chromatography
纺织品 重金属离子检测方法 原子吸收分光光度法 Textiles--Test method of heavy metal ions--Atomic absorption spectrophotometry
纺织材料 热转变温度试验方法 差示扫描量热法 Textile material--Test method for themo transition temperature--Differential scanning calorimetry(DSC)
纺织品 织物燃烧试验前的家庭洗涤程序 Textiles--Domestic laundering procedures for textile fabrics prior to flammability testing
纺织品 织物燃烧试验前的商业洗涤程序 Textiles--Commercial laundering procedure for textile fabrics prior to flammability testing
棉絮片发烟燃烧性能试验方法 Test method for smoldering combustion potential of coffon-Based batling
土工布 多层产品中单层厚度的测定 Determination for thickness of single layers of multilayer geotextile-Related products
土工布及其有关产品 动态穿孔试验 落锥法 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products--Dynamic perforation test(Cone-drop test)
土工布及其有关产品 抗氧化性能的试验方法 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products--Test method for determining the resistance to oxidation
土工布及其有关产品 抗酸、碱液性能的试验方法 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products--Test method for determining the resistance to liquids of acids and bases
土工布及其有关产品 平面内水流量的测定 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products--Determination of water flow capacity in their plane
土工布及其有关产品 磨擦特性的测定 第1部分: 直接剪切试验 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products--Determination of friction characteristics--Part 1: Direct shear test
土工布及其有关产品 抗磨损性的测定 砂布/滑块法 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products Determination of Abrasion resistance Sand paper/sliding block method
土工布及其有关产品 拉伸蠕变和拉伸蠕变断裂性能的测定 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products--Determination of the tensile creep and creep rupture behaviour
土工合成材料 短纤针刺非织造土工布 Geosynthetics--Synthetic staple fibers needlepunched nonwoven geotextiles
土工合成材料 长丝纺粘针刺非织造土工布 Geosynthetics--Synthetic filament spunbonded and needlepunched nonwoven geotextiles
土工合成材料 长丝机织土工布 Geosynthetics--Synthetic filament woven geotextiles
土工合成材料 裂膜丝机织土工布 Geosynthetics--Slit and split film yarn woven geotextiles
土工合成材料 非织造复合土工膜 Geosynthetics--Geocomposites made of geononwoven and geomembrance
纺织纤维白度色度试验方法 Test method for whiteness and chromaticity of textile fibres
羽绒羽毛 Down and feather
棉纤维 线密度试验方法 排列法 Cotton fibre--Determination of linear density--Array method
热熔法用丙纶短纤维 Polypropylene staple fiber used by melting method
本色布布面疵点检验方法 Methods of inspection for grey fabric surface defects
印染布布面疵点检验方法 Methods of inspection for printed and dyed fabric surface defects
纺织机械安全要求 Safety requirements for textile machinery
皮革 针孔撕裂强度测定方法 Leather--Determination of the stitch tear resistance
沥青防水卷材用基胎 聚酯非织造布 The base for bitumen felts--Polyester nonwovens
地毯静电性能评定 模拟人体步行试验法 Carpet--Assessment of static electrical propensity--Analogue walking test
大麻纤维 第1部分: 大麻精麻 Hemp fibre--Part 1: Raw white degummed hemp
大麻纤维 第2部分: 大麻麻条 Hemp fibre--Part 2: Raw white hemp sliver
大麻纤维 第3部分: 大麻落麻 Hemp fibre--Part 3: Raw white hemp noil
大麻纤维试验方法 第1部分: 含油率试验方法 Test methode for hemp fibre--Part 1: Test method for oil content in hemp fibre
大麻纤维试验方法 第2部分: 残胶率试验方法 Test method for hemp fibre--Part 2: Test method for residual gum content in hemp fibre
大麻纤维试验方法 第3部分: 长度试验方法 Test method for hemp fibre--Part 3: Test method for length of hemp fibre
大麻纤维试验方法 第4部分: 细度试验方法 Test method for hemp fibre--Part 4: Test method for fineness of hemp fibre
大麻纤维试验方法 第5部分: 断裂强度试验方法 Test method for hemp fibre--Part 5: Test method for breaking strength of hemp fibre
大麻纤维试验方法 第6部分: 疵点试验方法 Test method for hemp fibre--Part 6: Test method for defect in hemp fibre
山羊绒 Cashmere
纺织品 织物弯曲长度的测定 Textiles--Determination of bending length of fabrics
纺织品 红外蓄热保暖性的试验方法 Textiles-testing method for thermal retention with accumulated by infrared ray
玻璃纤维无捻粗纱 Glass fiber roving
玻璃纤维无捻粗纱布 Glass fibre woven roving
连续玻璃纤维纱 Glass filament yarn
玻璃纤维导风筒基布 Glass fibre fabric for ducting
印制板用E玻璃纤维布 E-glass fabric woven for printed boards
增强材料术语及定义 Vocabulary--Terms for reinforcements
絮用纤维制品通用技术要求 Ceneral technical requirement for products with wadding fibre
棉花加工机械安全要求 Security requirement of cotton processing machinery
纺织品 甲醛含量的限定 Textiles--Limit to formaldehyde content
纺织品 有机氯杀虫剂残留量的测定 Textiles--Determination of the residues of organochlorine pesticides
纺织品 2-萘酚残留量的测定 Textiles--Determination of the residues of 2-naphthalenol
纺织品 五氯苯酚残留量的测定 第1部分: 气相色谱 质谱法 Textiles--Determination of the residues of pentachlorophenol Part 1: Gas chromatography/mass spectrography
纺织品 五氯苯酚残留量的测定 第2部分: 气相色谱法 Textiles--Determination of the residues of pentachlorophenol Part 2: Gas chromatographyvmethod
橡胶或塑料涂覆织物 低温弯曲试验 Rubber--or plastics-coated fabrics--Low-temperature bend test
室内装饰装修材料 地毯、地毯衬垫及地毯胶粘剂有害物质释放限量 Indoor decorating and refurbishing materials--Limitations of harmful substances emitted from carpets,carpet cushions and adhesives
服装号型 男子 Size designation of clothes--Men
服装号型 女子 Size designation of clothes--Women
服装号型 儿童 Size designation of clothes--Children
棉针织内衣皂洗牢度试验方法 Methods of testing for the soap endurance of cotton knitting underwears
棉针织内衣汗渍牢度试验方法 Methods of testing for the sweat endurance of cotton knitting underwears
棉针织内衣染色摩擦牢度试验方法 Methods of testing for the rubbing endurance of cotton knitting underwears
衬衫 Shirts
棉服装 Cotton wadded clothes
男西服、大衣 Men's suits and coats
女西服、大衣 Women's suits and coats
男、女西裤 Women and Men's trousers
男女衬衫规格 Sizes for shirts and blouses
男女单服套装规格 Sizes for zhongshan coats,jackets and trousers
皮鞋工业术语 Technical terms for leather shoe industry
中国鞋号及鞋楦系列 Chinese shoe sizing and last systems
鞋号 Shoes sizes
鞋楦尺寸检测方法 Method of inspection for last sizes
聚氯乙烯微孔塑料拖鞋 Polyvinyl chloride cellular plastic slippers
鞋类通用检验方法 耐折试验方法 General test method for footwear--Test method of flexing resistance
鞋类通用检验方法 耐磨试验方法 General test method for footwear--Test method of abrasion resistance
鞋类通用检验方法 剥离强度试验方法 General test method for footwear--Test method of peeling strength
鞋类通用检验方法 硬度试验方法 General test method for footwear--Test method of hardness
鞋类通用检验方法 外观检验方法 General test method for footwear--Test method of appearance
线迹的分类和术语 Stitch types--classification and terminology
家用缝纫机 缝厚能力测试方法 Household sewing machines--Determination of sewing capacity
家用缝纫机 送料方向稳定性测试方法 Household sewing machines--Determination of directional stability
家用缝纫机缝料层潜移量测试方法 Household sewing machines--Determination of creep of one ply of material over another
针棉织品包装 Package of cotton gooda and kintwear
消费品使用说明 纺织品和服装使用说明 Instruction for use of products of consumer interest Instruction for use of textiles and apparel
棉针织内衣规格尺寸系列 A series of size of cotton knitted underwear
布鞋分类 Classification of cloth shoes
棉针织内衣 Cotton knitted underwear
皮鞋后跟结合强度试验方法 Test method for bond strength of leather shoe heels
家用缝纫机机头噪声声功率级的测试方法 Method of sound power levels of noise emitted by household sewing machine head
羽绒服装 Down garments
男女毛呢套装规格 Sizes for woollen garments
旅游鞋 Athletic footwear
服装人体测量的部位与方法 Location and method of anthropometric surveys for garment
缝纫机包装 Sewing machine packing
成鞋动态防水性能试验方法 Test method for dynamic waterproofness of finished footwear
服装人体头围测量方法与帽子尺寸代号 Clothes--Survey methed for human body head round and size designation for headwear
丝绸服装 Silk garments


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