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   日期:2012-09-03     浏览:4    

      A: Can we substitute the j-123 for the j-113?
      B: Is the price the same ?
      A: Yes ,just the same .
      B: That will be alright with us .

      A: Our order specified "no substitutions".
      B: We were out of the part you needed .
      A: We just can't use this one ,it won't
      work .
      B: Is see ,we'll have it picked up ,in
      that case .
      A: We're having a lot of trouble filling this order .
      B: What seems to be the problem.
      A: We're out of a lot of the items.
      B: Let's see what we can substitute .

      A: Is there any chance that we can substitute this for you ?
      B: I'll have to check with our engineers.
      A: I'll wait until I hear from you .
      B: I'll get back to you as soon as I can .
      A: I'm afraid the item you substituted
      didn't work .
      B: Was it too big ?
      A: Yes ,that's right.
      B: I see ,we'll take another look at your specifications.

      A: We may have to back order three items
      on this order .
      B: That's not so good .
      A: Can we substitute in these things?
      B: I don't know . I'll check.
      A: How's the order coming along ?
      B: We're going to substitute a better item
      for number 3 .
      A: At the same price ?
      B: Yes , of course .
      A: That about wraps it all up .
      B: Yes ,I think so .
      A: All we have to do is sign the contract .
      B: We can do that at the meeting tomorrow .

      A: Is the contract all right now ?
      B: I think we need to discuss the fifth
      clause .
      A: Would you like to do that now ?
      B: Now is as good a time as any.
      A: We need to make some changes in this contract .
      B: Can we do it right now?
      A: No, I need to talk to the home office .
      B: Fine .let's get together again next week.

      A: We'll have to get this contract typed as soon as possible .
      B: My secretary can start on it right away .
      A: I think all the changes are easy to see .
      B: She won't have any trouble,
      A: Are you ready to sign ?
      B: I sure am.
      A: Here's a pen .
      B: Thank you .

      A: Where do you want me to sign ?
      B: Right here.
      A: How's that?
      B: That's fine .
      A: We can't sign the contract yet .
      B: Why not ?
      A: There are some changes the still have to be made .
      B: Just let us know when you are ready


      A: This clause will have to be changed .
      B: Just pencil in the changes and we'll
      retype it .
      A: Can you read that .
      B: Oh, sure .
      A: Who is going to sign the contract for
      your side ?
      B: The general manager .
      A: Shall I make an appointment to see him?
      B: Yes .some time next week would be good .

      A: I'd like to look this over before I
      sign it .
      B: Of course .take your time .
      A: It looks fine to me .
      B: Just sign there on the bottom .
      A: Here's my signature .
      B: And mine .
      A: Let's go out and celebrate .
      B: I think we both need a drink .

      A: Here's your copy of the contract .
      B: Good . I 'm glad we're all done .
      A: Yes, it's nice to be finished .
      B: You can say that again.



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