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   日期:2012-09-03     浏览:5    


      A: Are you ready to place your order now ?
      B: The order will be mailed to you next week .
      A: Is it going to the head office ?
      B: No, I think it is going to be mailed to your local branch .
      A: Thank you very much for the order .
      B: We appreciate your fast service .
      A: We do the best we can .
      B: We'll be calling you again next month .
      A: We haven't received your order yet.
      B: It was mailed last week .
      A: I'll check the office one more time .
      B: And I'll see if there was any mistake on our end .
      A: We need to make a change on our last order .
      B: What was the order number?
      A: It was j-223,just double the second item .
      B: Sure ,I'll be glad to take care of it for you .
      A: I'm here to see the purchasing agent .
      B: He's not in his office at the moment.
      A: May I wait ?
      B: Yes ,he should return soon .

      A: I'm the purchasing agent here .
      B: I'd like to give you one of our new catalogs .
      A: I'll put it in my files .
      B: Thank you very much ,
      A: Do you usually buy in large quantities ?
      B: Our standard order is 500cases at a time .
      A: We can handle an order that size very easily.
      B: We'll let you know the next time we need to place an order .
      A: If I place an order now ,when would you be able to ship it ?
      B: That all depends on the size of the order .
      A: It will be about the same as it was last time .
      B: We should be able to get that off to you right away.
      A: This is last order we will be placing for a while .
      B: Oh? Is there some trouble ?
      A: No , we're just getting a lot of material stock piled .
      B: Let me know when you are ready to order again.
      A: Do you have anything like this in your stock ?
      B: May I see it a moment ?
      A: Yes , here you go.
      B: Yes ,we can supply this for you .
      A: We want to order some of these .
      B: This is a standard size .
      A: Can you supply us right away?
      B: Yes ,we have plenty on hand right now .
      A: This is what we need .
      B: I don't think this is a standard size.
      A: It's not .it is a little oversized.
      B: In that case ,we wouldn't have it in stock .
      A: Is this the part that you need ?
      B: Yes ,that 's right .
      A: How many do you need ?
      B: We'll take all that you can give us .

      A: I understand you want to increase your order .
      B: Yes ,we have to double it .
      A: I'm not sure we have that much on hand .
      B: Could you check it for me ,please?
      A: I checked our supply of that material you asked for .
      B: How does it look?
      A: We've got plenty,
      B: Good ,I'll get an order to you right away .

      A: I just got an answer about the stock we have on hand .
      B: Good news ,I hope .
      A: Sure, we can handle your order .
      B: Boy ,I'm really glad to hear that .
      A: How much did you want to increase your order .
      B: We need three times as much as we originally ordered.
      A: I'll have to check to see if we can handle that .
      B: Please do. We 're desperate for the material .

      A: We don't have enough material on hand to take care of this .
      B: When will you have more?
      A: By the end of next month .
      B: I'm not sure we can wait that long .
      A: We're going to be placing a large order soon .
      B: This is a pretty hot item .
      A: We're really going to need it .
      B: In that case ,I'll have some set aside for you .
      A: We're out of one item on your order .
      B: Do you have any suggestions.
      A: We can give you a better one at thesame price .
      B: Good . go ahead and do that .



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