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2010 第十六届上海国际服装纺织品贸易博览会

   日期:2010-02-17     浏览:268    状态:状态
展会日期 2010-03-10 至 2010-03-12
展出城市 上海
展出地址 上海新国际博览中心
展馆名称 上海新国际博览中心
主办单位 上海纺织技术服务展览中心

Fashion Shanghai 2010, 点亮下一季
作为中国最大的纺织服装展会之一,上海国际服装文化节的重要活动, Fashion shanghai 拥有十五届成功举办的经验、每届千余家展商的认可、数万名买家的肯定、覆盖全国的媒体宣传以及和国外协会 / 媒体的良好合作。
不论国际还是国内市场,客户才是最主要的。Fashion shanghai 2010- 第十六届上海国际服装纺织品贸易博览会,将于2010年3月10至12日在上海新国际博览中心举行,为参展企业和到会专业观众度身订造一个属于市场的贸易平台。
从面料 - 辅料 - 纱线,Fashion shanghai将展商信息有效地传递给全国乃至全球优质买家 ,使展商抢在竞争对手之前获得潜在订单。
邀请超过 300 家面料企业,精选数千块创新面料布样,按最终用途及原料类别详细区分,专门设置超过 400 平米的大型展示区域,为全球采购商提供布样实物贸易导购服务。
2009 年概况
21000 余名专业观众 / 买家到会。
2000 余名海外买家来自 42 个国家和地区,现场参观选样、订货。
10 场专家演讲、 400 平方米服装流行趋势、 20 余场新闻发布会同步举行。
各类丝织、棉织、毛织、麻织、化纤类梭织、针织及涂层面料、各类复合面料及功能性面料,刺绣、花边、衬里、纽扣、线带、商标、拉链等辅料,各类纤维 / 纱线等。
上届展会买家部分主要有来自 51 个国家和地区的 21000 余名买家,其中中国大陆 89.7% ,中国香港 2.4% ,中国台湾 1.8% ,亚洲其他国家 1.4% ,欧洲 2.4% ,美国 2.3% 。
按买家性质分成衣制造商占 29.8% ,面料制造商占 12.5% ,进出口商占 28.5% ,连锁店 / 百货公司占 3.5% ,代理商占 17.1% ,设计师占 4.8% ,媒体及其他机构占 3.8%
价 格
标准展位( 3 米 × 3 米 ,含标准配置):
A区:RMB 13,800/个 B区:RMB 12,000/个
光地( 36 平米起定,展商自行负责装修):
A区:RMB 1380/平米 B区:RMB 1200/平米


Fashion Shanghai 2010
Shanghai International Clothing & Textile Expo
March 10-12 2010
Shanghai New International Expo Center
Shanghai China

Shanghai International Clothing & Textile Expo committee
Shanghai Textile Technology Service & Exhibition Center

Credibility amid Crisis-- Fashion shanghai makes business opportunities
As the only one professional event supported by Shanghai Municipal Government in Fashion & Textile industry, FASHION Shanghai 2010 composes Fashion show, fashion expo, forum and other professional events as one fantastic trade platform.

2009 Review
700 excellent exhibitors from 12 countries and regions
More than 21,000 trade visitors
2,000 overseas professional visitors from 42 countries and regions
10 seminars and fashionable trend reports
Worldwide media coverage

Exhibits Profile
Fabrics: Silk Weaving Fabric, Cotton Weaving Fabric, Woolens, Linen, Fiber Shuttle-Woven Fabric, Knitted / Coated Fabric and Compound Fabric ,Fibre/Yarns
Trims: Embroidery, Lace, Liner, Button, Cotton Thread Tape, Label, Zipper,etc.

Experts Forum
International Fashion Forum
Young Designers’ Gallery
Fashionable Trend Report on 2009/2010 Spring and Summer Textile Fabric
Fashion Shanghai 2008 Exhibits Selection
Technical Seminars

The Service
We offer  package services as: Pre-exhibition promotion toward Chinese buyers
Assistance with trade negotiation
Free entry in the official Exhibition Directory
General Security for exhibition area
Daily cleaning for stand and corridor
Exhibitor's Manual to facilitate your planning and booking of optional services
Assistance with arranging on-site or off-site meetings with your desired visitors
Other services request at reasonable rates are
advertising in the official Exhibition Directory
Freight forwarding
Travel arrangement
interpretation and translation
Stand building for raw space and special design
Additional furniture renting
Bonded warehouse for storing exhibits after the exhibition

Shanghai Textile Technology Service & Exhibition Center
Add:25F HengDa Plaza,No.285 Changshou Road,Shanghai 200060 China
Contact: Mr. Noel Tian Ms. Ge Jin
Tel: ++86-21-62775353- 609  627   Fax: ++86-21-62270002
Email:    fashionshanghai@163.com  Website: www.fashionshanghai.com 


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